Lilypie Waiting to Adopt tickers

mercredi 8 avril 2009

Ca commence a bouger...enfin un peu d'espoir

Après 3 semaines de stress intense, il y a enfin du mouvement au parlement du Kyrgyzstan.
Les comité qui avaient été formés pour étudier certains aspects de l'adoption internationale on rendu leur rapports. Maintenant reste a voir ce qu'ils feront avec les familles qui ont déjà recu leur propositions. On aura plus de détail sous peu.


The MPs proposed to establish a structure of the Government of Kyrgyzstan, a separate body to protect families and children 8 Apr., 2009, 16:59 CA-NEWS (KG) - deputies of parliament proposed to establish a structure of the Government of the separate body to protect families and children. Such a proposal made by the deputy Communist faction Gulzhamal Sultanalieva. The proposal was made to the ordinance on the outcomes of the parliamentary commission on the adoption of children by foreign nationals. Ordinance will be further developed. Commission meeting held on 8 April in Bishkek. The Government is also requested to take a package of measures to comply with international standards the Hague Convention on adoption of children, as well as enhanced monitoring of compliance with the laws on adoption of children. The Attorney General's Office been instructed to give a legal assessment of individuals - members of the commission for adoption of children made violations of certain procedures. The Supreme Court granted order to evaluate the judges, the decision on adoption of children. According to official statistics, in 2006, foreigners adopted 225 children from Kyrgyzstan 8 Apr., 2009, 16:15 CA-NEWS (KG) - Since 2006, foreigners adopted 225 children from Kyrgyzstan. This is today, April 8, at a joint meeting of three committees (on migration, labor, social policy and health care, defense, security, rule of law and judicial and legal reform, education, science, culture and information policy), said Vice-Premier Minister Uktomhan Abdullaeva. According to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, foreign nationals do not have the right to remove healthy children outside of Kyrgyzstan. According to the vice-premier, U.S. citizens adopted 164 children, Sweden - 21, Germany - 1, South Africa - 5, Israel - 20, Italy - 1, Switzerland - 1, as well as several children by citizens of France. Basically they were children with disabilities. For children adopted by U.S. citizens, have all the information, and the issue is under the control of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the United States, said U. Abdullaeva. The courts currently have over 80 cases of adoption. But because of the lack of legal framework, they are without consideration, said U. Abdullaeva According to her, is scheduled to leave for the United States to see to the health of adopted children born in Kyrgyzstan. She also noted that, wishing to adopt children with special needs among the citizens of Kyrgyzstan not. Parliamentary committee will propose to parliament to consider ratifying the Hague Convention on child

4 commentaires:

Chantal a dit…

Je suis contente d'avoir de tes nouvelles... et de voir qu'au moins les choses avances un peu.

Je vous envoie encore tout plein d'ondes positives ++++++++

Je pense souvent à vous.


Suzy a dit…

La commande d'ondes est partie direction chez vous et surtout de l'autre coté de l'océan.


Monise, Marie, Philippe a dit…

Je suis heureuse pour vous deux, enfin les choses bouges.

Je vous envoie plein d'ondes positives.

Courage et bisous à tous les deux


En attente de notre "Petite Abeille de Chine" a dit…


Je t'envoie des belles pensées.

Ce matin, j'ai une copine qui M'a envoyé des photos de son bébé. Que ça fait du bien. Je pense aux mamans comme toi qui très bientôt aura son p'tit bout'choux dans ses bras "pour de bon".

Bzzz Guylaine xoxoxo